Thursday, January 1, 2009

Dry Dressing

In advance:
Cube a couple assorted loaves of bread and spread them out to dry or put them in a big bowl and stir them around every couple of hours for a couple of days so they dry.

Then in a very large bowl or pan mix together

The cubed bread
5 or 6 rags of celery sliced into 1/4 to 1/2 inch pieces
a pound of whole mushrooms halved and third-ed
3 Tbs poultry seasoning
1 medium chopped onion
2 sticks of butter in small chunks
the giblets from a turkey, chopped

Bake at 325 for several hours until the bread cubes are toasty brown.

While baking stir in another stick of chunked butter in an hour, then another, then a third, all about an hour apart.

Serve with turkey or chicken gravy.


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